Walao - Chat in Lao with Lao keyboard
Free Chatting - Updating with many *hot*, popular real life topics - Enjoy many entertainment contents
Walao keeps you updated with real life events and friends.
Walao continuously brings you photos from real life topics & events. Walao lets you communicate with your friends using our fast & reliable chat messages: text messages, photos, voice messages ... Walao even let you chat with a group of friends or making new friends using our unique and fun “location chat” and “shake hands”. Even more, you can enjoy other entertaining content on Walao, such as: Games, Movies. All-In-One account!
Walao *hot* features:
* Live:
- Create topics, viral or just watching the real life news and events that are hot or that you are interested in.
- Participate in creating contents for your interested topics or discussing on these topics.
- Quickly update information from your friends and from the world around you.
* Multimedia Messaging:
- Instant messaging: Fast & reliable with text, voice messaging, photo, location....
- Personalized chat background.
- Fun, enjoyable with the Doodle Draw tool
* Group chat
- Unlimited number of participants: Always Free!
- Invite your friends to chat! The more member, the more interesting!
* Making new friends
- Find new friends around any location using Map.
- Find your "lucky friend" using our “Shake hands” feature. Very Handy. Shake your phone, your new friends are waiting for you!